Parise Law Group, LLC
Parise Law Group, LLC

Providing Trusted Assistance for Your Legal Needs
Providing Trusted Assistance for Your Legal Needs
Practice Areas
Practice Areas

Residential Real Estate
Residential Real Estate
Buying or selling a home can be a stressful experience for a number of reasons. Dealing with your attorney should not be one of them. Allow us to proactively deal with any issues that can arise in a real estate transaction. We strive to protect your legal rights, but we never stand in the way of your goal: to buy or sell your home.
Wills and Trusts
Wills and Trusts
It can be a rewarding accomplishment knowing that you have put the proper procedures in place for you and your loved ones. Whether it is a will or trust, we can create an estate plan that is tailored to your needs. Let us help you get your affairs in order and plan for all contingencies, not just the most obvious.

Probate and Trust Administration
Probate and Trust Administration
People often seek out estate counsel for help with the administrative burden that can come along with losing a loved one. Shift that burden onto us, and we will work with all the parties involved to settle the estate as efficiently as possible.
Elder Law and Medicaid Planning
Elder Law and Medicaid Planning
Too often, people are not properly advised on planning for disability. The debilitating costs of medical care and nursing homes can devastate an individual or their family. We can make sure you are utilizing state provided nursing home benefits and Veterans’ Benefits for your care. We will help simplify the laws of asset protection and ensure that your life’s work and legacy are passed on to those you care about.

Business Planning and Contracts
Business Planning and Contracts
Whether you are starting a business or selling your company, we can review and prepare all the necessary contracts to make sure you are properly protected.
Call today to request more information or schedule a free initial consultation.